We are pleased to partner with Staco!

We are pleased to partner with Staco!

Critical Power Systems is pleased to partner with Staco Energy Products, a custom power solution provider! Along with being a partner with Staco, we are an ASP ( a service provider) for all Staco’s products. 

Staco has unique application design demands, harsh environment concerns, the need to meet non-standard physical space requirements—providing the “not so usual”
is what Staco does best.

From leading-edge uninterruptible power supplies, power conditioners, power factor, and harmonic correction equipment to the world’s most stable voltage
control systems, Staco has the technology you need to protect and manage your business, and the knowledge to make it work for you.

Since 1937, customers worldwide have relied on Staco Energy, as their custom solutions provider, to solve a wide range of electrical power problems.
Headquartered in Miamisburg, Ohio, Staco Energy Products is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Components Corporation of America, located in Dallas, Texas.

For a full line card of Staco products please visit: Staco Full Line Brochure. For more information or quotes please call us at 662-401-8831 (Demps) or 662-322-0461 (Annette). We would be happy to assist you in any way we can!


We are pleased to partner with Staco

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