Your shop can’t do without SawGear!

Your shop can’t do without SawGear!

Your shop can’t do without SawGear and we are going to tell you some of the reasons why. Remove the need to set and adjust manual fences with SawGear. It is highly portable, accurate within .008 in, cuts down on rework, keeps you ahead of schedule, and is simple to use. You can do away with your tape measure and setting manual stops which will mean increased productivity and be more accurate! It attaches to any existing saw, drill or punch.

If you would like more information on SawGear, please call us or go to our TigerStop page. We would be happy to answer your questions or give you a quote. Demps 662-401-8831 or Annette 662-322-0461 You can also contact us.

Please watch the video below for a SawGear overview:

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